Homes for Ukraine - Guidance for Landlords
Homes for Ukraine - Guidance for Landlords

Since the war in the Ukraine began, many landlords may wonder how they can support refugees who will be coming to the UK.. When the Government launched the Homes for Ukraine Scheme last week, the website crashed and to date, more than 140,000 people have signed up to offer accommodation for at least six months under the Scheme. 

It is however important to bear in mind not only the emotional and psychological support needed, but practical support. Refugees will require assistance on the local area, access to amenities, transport and how to navigate their new surroundings. The Red Cross have published information about how to support Ukrainians who will be relocating to the UK. Their helpline provides emotional and practical support with interpreter assistance if required. (0808 196 3651 (open between 10am - 6pm daily). 

Many landlords and homeowners have been offering accommodation to those in need and whilst very few landlords or home owners would deny or refuse a request for help for a refugee, it is important to bear in mind that there may be barriers which prevent offering accommodation.

Will occupancy and the number of occupants who are related living at the property require you to apply for an HMO licence? Factor into this; overcrowding and room sizes - whilst this may seem trivial, local authorities have not given any clear guidance on how accommodating refugees, especially in the private rented sector will affect existing legislation.

It is also important to bear in mind the documents (if any) to be used especially where there will be no rent and no deposits? The occupants will need to be protected as will landlords. 

How will the “contract” be extended or terminated? Are “hosts” offering food/meals  and additional support? What requirements are required in relation to the health and safety of refugees in owner-occupied properties? What is the lender’s viewpoint? Will they need to provide consent?


The Government has provided the following guidance for those wishing to participate in the Homes for Ukraine initiative:

Individual sponsors in the UK can be of any nationality, with any immigration status, providing they have at least 6 months’ leave to remain in the UK, so that they can provide at least six months’ accommodation. They can live in any part of the UK.

To ensure a safe and suitable environment for people arriving from Ukraine, we’re going to be carrying out checks (background and in-person) on you as a sponsor, your family and the accommodation that you will provide.

For example, the accommodation should be safe and free from health hazards, be heated and give your guests adequate access to bathroom and kitchen facilities. We’ll also be doing checks on those arriving from Ukraine.



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